Hestia's Domestic Abuse support services

Support for victims of domestic abuse in London and the south east

Our team provide support in 31 refuges across 7 London boroughs.

Last year, Hestia supported over 4,000 people to recover from the trauma of domestic abuse.

Find out if Hestia provides domestic abuse support in your borough

Where we work

Hestia's domestic abuse refuges

Hestia provides domestic abuse refuges for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. We provide emotional and practical support and ensure that every woman we support has an up-to-date risk assessment and support plan tailored to their needs. 

If you are looking for a space in a domestic abuse refuge, contact Hestia's Refuge Referral Line on 0808 169 9975, Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

Community-based support

In addition to Hestia's domestic abuse refuges, our Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs), Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) and floating support teams support people living in the community who are at high risk of domestic abuse.


Across the UK almost one million children are affected by domestic abuse every year. Hestia's refuges also provide tailored support for children through our Children and Family Workers. 

During school summer holidays, Hestia runs a six-week Summer Play Scheme providing activities and outings for mothers and their children across our refuges.

Funded through generous donations from the public, the Summer Play Scheme provides women and children with a safe and supportive space to reconnect and create new happy memories.


UK SAYS NO MORE is Hestia's national campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence. 

Find out more about UK says NO MORE

Safe Spaces

UK SAYS NO MORE provides over 6,000 Safe Spaces in pharmacies and banks across the UK. Safe Spaces can be used by anyone experiencing domestic abuse to safely call a helpline, support service or friend.

Find out more about Safe Spaces

Bright Sky

Bright Sky is Hestia's free mobile app providing support and information to anyone who is concerned that someone they know is experiencing domestic abuse.

Find out more about domestic abuse support app Bright Sky.

Everyone's Business and Respond to Abuse Advice Line

Hestia's Everyone's Business programme provides businesses with the information and resources they need to support staff who have experienced domestic abuse. 

Our Respond to Abuse Advice Line provides free and confidential guidance to employers on how they can respond to disclosures of domestic abuse.

Get support

If you are in immediate danger, please call 999.

The Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge, is available on 0808 2000 247, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The helpline is answered by fully trained female support workers and volunteers who will answer your call in confidence.

Hestia's Refuge Referral Line also helps women and children to find domestic abuse refuge spaces across London and the south east. Call 0808 169 9975 or email us at [email protected], Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.


We always welcome feedback and comments. 

For the quickest and best response to your query, please fill out our Contact Us form.

Main Reception: +44 (0) 20 7378 3100

Voicemail box: +44 (0) 20 3879 3700

You can also drop us an email. Please email us on [email protected]For a secure email path please send your emails to [email protected]

If you are from a local authority or commissioning body and would like to start working with Hestia, please contact our Business and Development team via email.