Grenfell Support

Following the fire at Grenfell Tower on the 14th June 2014 a public inquiry was launched  to investigate not only what happened on the night of the 14th but also wider contributing circumstances that led to the fire. Hestia’s aim was to help ensure the Inquiry was a psychologically safe space for affected community members.

In partnership with the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, we provided counselling support to the bereaved, survivors and residents and to members of the public attending the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. 

Our support included providing opportunities to:

  • Discuss any concerns and feelings related to the Inquiry in a safe and confidential manner.
  • Share a range of effective techniques and skills for managing difficult emotions and memories.
  • Jointly develop personal strategies to help you maintain your wellbeing as you engage with the Inquiry.

Get Support:

Since the completion of the Inquiry hearings, our team has continued to work with the Grenfell community, providing support during community screenings of Steve McQueen’s Grenfell film at the Serpentine Gallery and as part of Grenfell Testimony Week (23rd – 26th January 2024). 

Get updates on the inquiry:

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry