It's Volunteers' Week! This week, 1 - 7 June 2019, marks Volunteers' Week, a time for charities and organisations across the UK to come together and make their appreciation for their volunteers known! Alongside the people within our services, volunteers are at the heart of Hestia as an organisation and are a fundamental part of the work that we do in supporting adults and children in crisis. Their time, skills, dedication and goodwill enable us to offer the highest level of support possible to those in need. We couldn't be more thankful, this week and every week, for everything our volunteers do. In 2018 alone, Hestia welcomed almost 650 volunteers into our services, all bringing something unique with them, all with a passion for supporting adults and children in having a life beyond crisis. Our volunteers are from all sorts of backgrounds, of all ages and with different skill sets, from corporate organisations to those who have recently retired. The value of these volunteers to our staff and service users is truly unprecedented - from bringing their own strengths, their own experiences and their drive, we are able to better lives around London and the South East. But the benefits of volunteering don't only extend to us, our staff and service users. Volunteering is also known to benefit those who take part in it, from improving wellbeing to gaining confidence, learning new skills and meeting new people. To mark Volunteers' Week 2019, we are introducing Hestia's first Annual Volunteers Appreciation Day, providing us and our staff teams with an even greater opportunity to say a special thanks to those who contribute to our work. We are always looking to recruit volunteers to help across our services. Whether you're a kitchen whizz, gardening guru or music mogul, there's a volunteering position open to you. View all of our current volunteering opportunities The Domestic Abuse, Assessment & Referral Service will support women and children experiencing domestic abuse to find safe, secure and suitable refuge spaces across London. Volunteer for Hestia's Refuge Referral Line The Phoenix Project is an innovative new scheme for members of the community to come together to support victims of modern slavery. Volunteer for the Phoenix Project The Croydon Modern Slavery Project launched an innovative new scheme in partnership with Croydon Council for members of the community to come together to support victims of modern slavery in the borough. Volunteer for the Croydon Modern Slavery Project Read more like this What is it like to volunteer with us? "I used to feel lonely but now I feel part of something bigger" "Volunteering was a door that enabled me to gain confidence" Manage Cookie Preferences