In 2018, we supported 2,200 individuals across our Mental Health & Complex Needs services in London. Our work includes community support, day centres, supported accommodation and befriending services, and enables people to recover at their own pace, on their own terms.

Donate now, because everyone deserves the opportunity to recover. 

Sharon's* Story

*Names have been changed

When Sharon first moved into Hestia's supported accommodation, she couldn't talk to others much and spent a lot of time in her room, even avoiding the activities organised by Hestia staff.

After a while in the service, things started to change.

Sharon used to find it impossible to be in public spaces as she struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. It took a while, but Sharon's confidence gradually developed.

Now, she's able to take part in activities like badminton, knitting and our frequent coffee mornings. Her social skills have improved, and she's even started leading the services' Cooperate Workshop and knitting class.

She's trying out new things, and has started making new friends. 

Living with an anxiety disorder can be all consuming, but with the right support, we believe that recovery is possible.