What can I do to help victims of domestic abuse at Christmas? 

Christmas is going to be different this year and coronavirus means victims of domestic abuse are isolated. As the second phase of lockdown rolls out, support is still available for victims. But we need your help in continue to keep our emergency refuges open over the winter. 

Coronavirus and domestic abuse in lockdown 

The Covid-19 epidemic had led to and is still having terrible implications on the level of domestic abuse seen today. We’re advised to stay home in order to save lives, but the daunting reality faced for many victims of domestic abuse, home is not safe. 

Since Lockdown we have had an increase of women and children within our services. Up almost 40% in contrast to the same 6 month period last year. Our Bright Sky app received a 70% surge of user calls to domestic abuse services, helplines or 999. 

These record-hitting figures highlighted by our report domestic abuse in lockdown further emphasise the need for refuges during these difficult times. 

Our emergency refuges across London is a frontline response to the growing exponential risk to victims in these dire circumstances. 

Due to the impact of coronavirus pandemic and abuse experienced at home it is a priority to offer sheltered accommodation through our emergency refuge services to families newly escaping harms way. 

What can I do to help victims of domestic abuse at Christmas? 

As Christmas time approaches we urgently need your support now more than ever to help our refuges stay open this Winter.  

This year we launched two new emergency refuges in partnership with the government to give vulnerable women and children a safe haven away from abuse. It is a crucial time during the holiday period and there is a greater demand in our domestic abuse services. 

We have experienced an increase in people trying to access our support and anticipate this to be on the rise amid the festive season. Time is of the essence for us and it’s crunch time in the race to raise our target amount of £50,000 as funding needs to be sustained through Christmas to keep our emergency refuge running. 

We believe there is life beyond crisis, and with your help there can be. Please donate to our winter appeal today.