Eleni joined Hestia during the pandemic looking for a volunteer role then eventually settled into her role as Community worker with Hounslow LIFE art group.

Hounslow LIFE is a service that provides short to long term support (6-24 months) to enable vulnerable people living in Hounslow to achieve their potential for independent living, while ensuring their carers are recognised, valued and supported to make positive choices in their caring role and lifestyle. Eleni joined Hestia in the pandemic and says that the best thing about working as a Community worker at Hounslow Life is creating human connections.  

"Helping others gives me joy as l connect with people who cannot create connections easily, our mental health is so fragile. The work we produced with the Hounslow Life art group is a testament to what we can do." 

Eleni, Community Worker at Hestia

"I joined Hestia during the pandemic, I was looking for a volunteering role and came across opportunities at Hestia. l applied for the Referral line but received a phone call from Hounslow Life asking if I was interested in applying for a Group facilitator role."

The art group, is a safe space where our service users can explore their creativity through painting and drawing and also provides for their emotional, social and mental health needs.

"Yes of course I was interested, I couldn’t believe it, as a dance movement psychotherapist this suited me perfectly, l have not looked back. I learnt so much about connecting in different ways and how to adapt my style to the differing needs of our service users."

Artwork created by service users at Hounslow LIFE

"As the service requirements changed, l took on the role of Community worker with my role working with the art group. The art group, is a safe space where our service users can explore their creativity through painting and drawing and also provides for their emotional, social and mental health needs."

The opportunity for the art group to do an Art Exhibition...

"We started to produce work, immediately finding common ground from memories of their lives and childhood from around the world. This was a fantastic opportunity for our service users to explore the creativity within themselves."

Artwork created by service users at Hounslow LIFE

"We called the exhibition Nature and Future vision. It took place in March and was a success with a private viewing for over 60 people with service users across Hounslow LIFE, volunteers, staff, commissioners and councillors from London Borough of Hounslow coming together to celebrate the creative talents of the art group, with all 10 artists receiving an award."

Events like these help our service users:

  • Explore creativity within themselves
  • Empower others to be creative
  • Cultivate community with a shared sense of purpose.

We want to continue to empower our service users to continue to try new things and to help maximise their independence. Find out more about out Hounslow LIFE here.

Find out more about where we work here.

Find out more about our Mental Health support and services here.