Sharon's* Story

When I first moved into supported accommodation, I didn’t talk with the others much. I would only use the communal areas to watch my soaps, and then I would go back to my room.

I liked being on my own and avoided the activities that were held. I didn’t really even talk with the staff much, only when we had our meetings. After a while though, things changed.

Since being in the service, I’ve developed my confidence. My social skills have got better too.

Before, I always avoided crowded places, but now I take part in activities like the coffee morning, knitting and badminton. I’ve made a couple of great friends, too.

There’s a ‘Co-operate Workshop’ too, and when the tutor isn’t present, I take charge in leading the group. The service has really helped me progress.

I remember speaking to a member of staff about wanting to do a knitting workshop, and they organised it. Now, I take part in the workshop weekly and also knit in my free time.

I feel like my social skills and confidence have really improved, and now I’m trying out new things. 

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