Sarah* works in the fashion industry and has found it really useful to come along to the Camden Sanctuary after work, she feels calmer knowing it’s there when she needs it.

During the pandemic I had to let my team go at work and alongside this I was working from home and living alone. I was really lonely and even after the pandemic I was finding it difficult to socialise with my friends because of different lifestyles and commitments. I was feeling really low, and it was hard to get out of bed and motivate myself so I went to my psychiatrist who recommended the Sanctuary as somewhere to just go in the evenings because it can get really bad at that time of day. It took me a while to come along but then my Mum got sick, and I just felt like I was about to explode so I called up the service and made my first appointment.

“It’s nice knowing that someone is there to speak to when I need it.”

When they say that the Camden Sanctuary is a warm, friendly drop-in service I found this to be absolutely true. Even on that first night I didn’t feel as if I was under any kind of scrutiny, I just sat down and was offered a warm drink and made to feel welcome. I went into my first session and bawled my eyes out and it meant so much to have someone who was listening, not trying to solve my problems for me, but was checking in. My support worker would ask me questions without being too intrusive and they would break down what my problems were, and we would discuss possible solutions and approaches. It was really reassuring and it’s nice knowing that someone is there to speak to when I need it.  

I was really surprised that the Camden Crisis Sanctuary was open in the evenings. I probably wouldn’t go to a daytime service due to work commitments but knowing that I can drop-in if I’ve had a bad day and be able to speak to people who understand is a huge bonus. It’s nice because we’ve all had our own mental health stories and we talk about them openly with each other and it doesn’t feel like anyone is judging – you can just be yourself.  There are mindfulness sessions, board games and also art therapy which I really like because I’m a creative person but nothing is forced on you and we all respect each other’s space.

It’s just nice to have somewhere where I can come and not be stressed out. I still have days that are difficult, but I feel more relaxed now because I know at the end of the day I can come to the Camden Crisis Sanctuary and get out of my head for a little while, I’ve definitely seen changes within myself. Knowing that the Camden Crisis Sanctuary is here has made me more relaxed because I know I have some form of consistent support.

*Names have been changed to protect anonymity 

This case study is based off of research conducted for our London Mental Health Index. You can read our report below:

Read report

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